Kelly Devi Swails, E-RYT, RYT-500, RPYT, CCCE, MA

My general background, training and experience…

Tree pose in Cairo, Egypt 2022

I have taught yoga since 2005. I am certified by Integral Yoga Institute in hatha, prenatal, postnatal, yoga for labor & delivery, yin, restorative and thai yoga massage. In addition to teaching yoga, I am a certified childbirth educator, birth doula and Reiki 2 practitioner. Before teaching yoga full-time, I worked as an HR training developer/trainer, and prior to that as a social services program manager serving at-risk women and children. I have a Master’s Degree in Medical Geography and Anthropology. I now teach basic and graduate-level yoga teaching trainings, continuing education classes, and mentor new doulas and yoga teachers. My extensive work with women and babies in yoga studios and birthing rooms throughout the tristate area has deeply influenced my approach and perspective on the power of yoga to transform lives. I am the owner and director of Devi Ma Yoga where I offer my speciality in women’s yoga throughout the lifespan.

My speciality…

Teaching prenatal yoga for nearly two decades has deeply transformed and shaped my life journey. During this time, I have come to realize how profound yoga can be in helping expecting mothers - not only with the physical and emotional ups and downs of pregnancy, but also in coping with the challenges of labor, postpartum, breastfeeding and beyond.

My approach to teaching prenatal yoga includes a strong focus on pelvic floor awareness, a connection to the breath and ways to find space, stability and comfort during pregnancy and beyond. I support my students in gaining a deeper understanding of the physical, emotional, and spiritual changes of pregnancy, as well as the importance of honoring the body’s needs during each trimester. However, my ultimate goal is to encourage women to fully embrace their innate power and awesome ability to grow, nurture and birth babies from that deep maternal place of "knowing”.  I have worked with many hundreds of expecting couples since I began this work nearly two decades ago. As I continue to witness the profound and awesome nature of birth first-hand, my dedication to this work has only grown and deepened.

My inspiration…

I am the proud mom of three sons and two grandchildren. I was initially drawn to work in this field as a result of my personal experiences of pregnancy and birth while living on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota. However, when I caught my niece while supporting my sister’s birth in 2006, I knew beyond doubt that I was on a new path. I have gone on to support over 150 births since then.

I began teaching prenatal yoga classes as well as Yoga for Labor & Delivery workshops in 2005. I am certified by Integral Yoga Ashram/Institute and ever grateful to my teachers: Swami Ramananda, Kali Morse and Nadiya Nottingham. In 2008, I began training yoga teachers for certification in Yoga for Labor & Delivery and Prenatal Yoga. Soon thereafter I developed the Adapting Asana for Prenatal Yoga Students workshops and began mentoring birth doulas throughout the tri-state area.